Official and Alternate Colors for Code-Green themed logo
As stated on their website: “SourceLab is a digital humanities research collective established in 2015 by the Department of History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign…SourceLab produces a peer-reviewed series of student-authored digital documentary work…” (https://sourcelab.history.illinois.edu/)
While working as a Research Assistant at UIUC, I was employed to redesign SourceLab’s logo along with designing custom templates for their scholarly digital publications using Scalar’s platform. Templates for additional branding material were also designed. A selection of this work is featured here.

Screenshots of Scalar Home page (Left: Desktop; Right: Mobile; Detail: pattern background)

Templates for Collateral Material: From left to right: Flyer, PowerPoint Presentation; Conference Poster

Detail view of template backgrounds

Gold Theme

Dark Green Theme

Scaler sites in gold and dark green themes