I am presenting the above poster about my doctoral research at the ALISE 2023 Conference (Association for Library and Information Science Education) for their Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Poster Competition and Reception on October 4, 2023.
[UPDATE: Abstract published in ALISE Proceedings:
https://doi.org/10.21900/j.alise.2023 | Direct PDF link.]
*If you’re a fellow conference attendee who’s stopping by to learn more about my work——HELLO and thanks for visiting! 🙂 Below are additional images of my developing work that focuses on expanding narrative/fiction through making art objects (As outlined in middle-bottom portion of poster).
(You may also view my extended abstracts from my previous blog post.)
1. Zine for Literature Reference:
Saïd the Fisherman, Marmaduke Pickethall

2. Zine for Literature Reference:
“The Procurator of Judea”, Anatole France

Graphic Process for Symbol/metaphor reference (nasturtiums)