Presenting at the ALISE 2023 Conference

Green and white poster with multiple images, photos, and graphics. Images of books, archival papers, zine designs, and flower illustrations.
(Image of conference poster outlining my dissertation, “Art as Information: Re-reading Quicksand”. Printed at 42″ x 36″. Click image to zoom-in.)

I am presenting the above poster about my doctoral research at the ALISE 2023 Conference (Association for Library and Information Science Education) for their Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Poster Competition and Reception on October 4, 2023.

[UPDATE: Abstract published in ALISE Proceedings: | Direct PDF link.]

*If you’re a fellow conference attendee who’s stopping by to learn more about my work——HELLO and thanks for visiting! 🙂 Below are additional images of my developing work that focuses on expanding narrative/fiction through making art objects (As outlined in middle-bottom portion of poster).

(You may also view my extended abstracts from my previous blog post.)


1. Zine for Literature Reference:
Saïd the Fisherman, Marmaduke Pickethall

Photos of messy work area with collage of book and image clippings, cutting mat, scissors, glue. Various views of handmade zine.

Centerfold of 3 handmade zines with similar collaged images

2. Zine for Literature Reference:
“The Procurator of Judea”, Anatole France

Photos digitally printed zine with cover and page spreads


Graphic Process for Symbol/metaphor reference (nasturtiums)

Photos of faux nasturtium plant with sketch and tracing paper with drawings
(Drawing process for icons of nasturtium)
images of two sketch pages
(Sample of process sketches for 104 iterations of nasturtium plant)
images of icons with text and sketch pages spread across floor.
(Drop cap iteration—early typography work and cropped photo of all icon iterations.)